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Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans Documentary: Why Transparency & Education is Key for the Success of Environmental Movements

Michael Moore’s new documentary, Planet of the Humans, was released for free a couple of weeks ago on Youtube.  It claims green technology and renewable energy is just as bad as fossil fuels and that the world’s leading environmentalist are corrupted by capitalism.  It also touches on the issues of overpopulation and individual consumption habits and behaviours. 

The documentary has already been viewed over 5 million times and a number of climate scientists, renewable energy experts and environmentalists have either criticised the film or demanded it be removed.  There are fears this film will do a lot more harm than good as it shares misleading, outdated and inaccurate information.

There’s no doubt I questioned the motives of this documentary.  However, I feel as though it also covers some key and important issues with the green movement.  I just don’t think they were articulated very well.  Nonetheless, it is an eye-opening film and an important watch for environmentalists.


The Good

You might be thinking, “So there was a good aspect to this film?” But hear me out.  The ‘About’ section of the Planet of the Humans video upload on YouTube claims the documentary “dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day” and it definitely did just that.  The documentary criticises the growing environmental movement and points out that there is no one solution to environmental issues and no solution is 100% perfect.  It also highlights the problems associated with overpopulation and mass consumption – poorly though, might I add.  But at least it was mentioned. 

Green technological advances will not fix global problems on their own.  Just like individual actions won’t save the planet on their own either.  All of these solutions and each and every one of us, individuals and large corporations, have a part to play in solving environmental degradation if we want to build a more sustainable future.

As someone who has a background in environmental management and sustainability, I know and understand that no solution, product or technology has zero environmental or social impact.  It’s just not possible.  It doesn’t matter if you sell reusable straws or solar panels, there will always be impacts associated with every stage of that product’s life-cycle.  It’s just about creating less of an impact and finding a more sustainable alternative.  But, this documentary made me question, is this common knowledge?  As with any documentary, its aim is to make you think.


“Because we’re a little worried, are we desperate to accept any idea that sounds alternative or green? Are we avoiding looking too closely because we don’t want to know the answer?”

– Jeff Gibbs, Director of Planet of the Humans

Sustainability shouldn’t be spoken about as an end goal.  Because that end goal does not exist.  It is more of a journey or a process and no action or creation can ever be 100% sustainable, that’s just not how it works.  If anything, this documentary is a wake up call to environmentalist, environmental leaders, eco-conscious business owners and sustainability advocates to be more transparent, informed and educated in order to clearly communicate products, services, alternatives and advances to the general public and consumers.  So how can we educate ourselves, in order to educate others? I truly believe this is the key to the success of the environmental movement.

The points I made above tie in heavily with greenwashing and highlight the problems with businesses and organisations, big and small, and high-profile individuals, providing false information in order to appear more eco-friendly or green, being backed by and taking money from large corporations who are likely the main contributors to global environmental issues and jumping on green trends in order to look good, line their pockets and gain trust (and votes) from the public. We need to ensure we actually care but also are being 100% honest with the practices and processes involved in creating a green product or technology.  Otherwise, we are lining ourselves up for this sort of criticism and this isn’t the time.  If there’s impacts associated with your company’s products or technology, just say so.  If you are making contributions to climate change through your lifestyle choices, just be honest.  It doesn’t take a lot for someone, like the director of Planet of the Humans, Jeff Gibbs, to dig a little deeper, find the whole story, and exploit it. I’d like to think  these points, were the underlying aim and ultimate message of this documentary.


“If anything, this documentary is a wake up call to environmentalist, environmental leaders, eco-conscious business owners and sustainability advocates to be more transparent, informed and educated in order to clearly communicate products, services, alternatives and advances to the general public and consumers.”

The Bad

There were no doubt a lot of bad aspects to Planet of the Humans.  Not that it outright denied climate change, but the director definitely didn’t position himself to be a supporter or believer.  At the end of the documentary, Jeff Gibbs states, “I truly believe the path to change comes from awareness.  That awareness alone can begin to create the transformation.” So why did he not represent a stronger support for the environmental movement throughout the documentary? I don’t believe Gibbs or Moore aimed to damage the credibility of renewable energy, but instead, aimed to improve it and make the industry more transparent  However, there is no doubt, this documentary was poorly filmed and researched.  It demonstrates a lack of storytelling skills – ouch, I know.  It also uses footage taken from several years ago and makes bold claims that the renewables are ineffective and are just as bad, if not more damaging, than the impacts of the fossil fuels.  Many have argued when material such as this is posted online, for millions to see, it undermines humanity’s last best hope for positive change.  What do you think?


I understand Planet of the Humans aimed to shock its viewers, but I actually believe it went too far and will allow climate deniers and right-winged supporters to use these arguments in their debates. The documentary requires a lot additional research, reading and education in order to get the full story.  Many people would not have the time or will not make the time to fact check and so this misinformation can easily spread. You really need to have your critical thinking hat on while watching this documentary. 



The documentary was heavily focused on the negatives of green technologies like solar panels, wind turbines, biomass and electric cars, without mentioning how they reduce carbon dioxide emissions and other harmful pollutants.  As I mentioned above, there are also initial impacts, there are negatives to everything we do and nothing we create lasts forever, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t aim to make greener and more sustainable decisions and that our efforts are pointless.  Gibbs also didn’t give any solutions to how individuals can make more positive lifestyle decisions or how companies, brands and organisations can be sure they are supportive and transparent.  It’s a shame that Planet of the Humans didn’t delve deeper into the potential improvements for the green movement and the positives of transiting to a renewable powered future.

Have you watched Planet of the Humans yet? What did you think of this documentary?